Chocolate Avocado Mousse
I’m a big fan of a chocolatey treat, and an even bigger fan when it’s mixed with fruit, and I know it’s in a form that’s nourishing my body. This recipe is super decadent and you really don’t need a lot to feel satisfied.

Banana Blueberry bread
I don’t know about you but I love a good banana bread! Toasted with lathers of butter or a dairy free alternative it’s definitely soul food! This one only contains the sugar from the fruit without loads of added sugars, plus with the addition of the chia seeds we’re increasing the fibre to help us feel full faster and help feed the good gut bugs. So good!

Quinoa chocolate bliss balls
How good are bliss balls when you’re needing a pick me up on the run. These are super delicious with the addition of real chocolate!

Black bean brownie
This black bean brownie is a definite goodie. I had a friend over for a visit today and she had to leave with the recipe, so I decided you also need to know it too! You can also top it with all sorts of goodies. Frozen berries (or fresh if they’re in season) are amazing! Nuts are delicious. Adding some extra chocolate is pretty great. For the chocolate I like using Whittakers chocolate and chopping it up so you get a great mix of bigger chinks and tiny bits. Delicious. I like to make double and freeze some of it once cooked.

Raspberry and coconut nice cream
Personally I think nothing beats raspberries for the taste of summer. Maybe it takes me back to the days when my parents owned a raspberry farm. Bowls and bowls of fresh raspberries for a good part of the summer. Bliss! Even with 20 acres of raspberries we found you couldn’t get sick of the taste of them, but you could get sick of the sight!