Who am I?
Kia Ora!
I'm Erin: daughter, wife, mother, nutritionist, personal trainer, Pilates teacher, yoga teacher, chocolate lover, plant mumma, travel addict and lover of life.
The short version
I love food, enjoy moving my body in loads of different ways and want to help you find ways to enjoy the food you love, move your body in a way that feels good to you, and appreciate the body you live your life in. In short, to get your sparkle. This self care then spills out into our energy, our relationships and how we look at the world. Between formal qualifications, life experiences, and my general curiosity leading me to read lots and talk with people, I have acquired loads of skills and knowledge to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.
The long version
In 2015 I married the man of my dreams, and while it has definitely had its share of challenges, there is no one I’d rather do life with. In 2019 we had our incredible Benjamin. He was born at a teeny 750G (1lb 10oz) at only 24 weeks gestation, and life has definitely been a rollercoaster since. His first year was nothing like what I expected as a mumma, but he is the most incredible wee guy, and has given me a greater appreciation for my amazing family.
Back in primary school and high school gymnastics and dancing was my jam. When I started uni I got into going to the gym, mainly classes, free weights generally bores me. I had a brief stint doing aqua aerobics, zumba, and swimming regularly. I enjoy snowboarding and rock climbing but they’re not something that are a regular thing at this point in my life. More recently it’s been Pilates, yoga and barre that light me up. Basically, I like to move my body and in lots of different ways. It changes with the seasons. I believe exercise and movement should be something you enjoy, that way you're more likely to do it!
I’ve had times in my life when health has been more important, and times when it has taken a back seat. When my first marriage was breaking down I think I tried to control what I could control, and that was my diet and getting to the gym. After we split up I found a gym I enjoyed, and it helped that there was a guy there I had a crush on. I have had times when I was so stressed that my stomach was producing too much acid, and I would vomit every morning. Think morning sickness without the pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting, unable to eat much at all. I lost more weight than I should have and was constantly cold. It was not a pleasant experience. I’ve had time when I've eaten to try and numb my emotions. Or to feel something different than what I was experiencing. I’ve had the sugar craving come 3pm that I could only fix with a chocolate bar, until I changed jobs, then magically I didn't need it anymore. When battling with infertility I started resenting my body. After my son was born so early I had thoughts of guilt and increased resentment for my body for not keeping him safe for longer. I am a work in progress, but I definitely understand having a complicated relationship with food and with our body.
About 10 years ago (after a rather painful breakup) I decided I needed to put into action what I wanted in a partner. I wanted someone who valued their health so I needed to value my health. I wanted someone who was good with money so I needed to sort out my finances. And I wanted someone who enjoyed their life, so I needed to enjoy my life, even if it didn't look exactly how I wanted it to. This was a really powerful change for me. And it was during this process that I came to the realisation that I couldn't stay in the corporate world any more. I was being called to something else. I wanted to do something that I felt really mattered to the world around me. So after getting my finances sorted, I made the break and started retraining. Before I knew health coaching was even a thing I decided I wanted to be a life coach in the area of health and wellness.
I started off by completing a certificate of fitness which allows me to work as a personal trainer. After that was a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Nutrition, so I can work as a nutritionist. Since completing my degree I have trained as a Pilates teacher, a yoga teacher, and have done a qualification in postpartum recovery. I am also constantly reading and love learning about the body, the mind, how it all works and how we can better live a life that lights us up, and allows us to shine to the world around us. I also taught into the pre-health program at Ara Institute of Canterbury for the last two and a half years. I love teaching, seeing people make connections, learning, and getting one step closer to their dreams.
I love working with people and helping you live your best life. In my program we look at your nutrition, movement and mindset. Sometimes it's getting back to basics, educating you with some of the things you have missed along the way. Sometimes it's working on habits and patterns. Often it’s working to remove the mental blocks that are standing in your way of success. My goal is to give you tools for your toolkit, and support along the way. I am your encourager, your cheerleader, and even the growly voice telling you to just do what we have agreed to. While I have a basic outline of a program we can cover, ultimately it is tailored to you, to your needs, challenges, goals and desires. You can find out more about my 12 session program here. I’d love to book you in for a free chat about your current challenges and how I can support you towards living a life that inspires you and those around you.
Cert Fitness (REPS registered)
BAppSci (Human Nutrition)
PCES (Postpartum corrective exercise specialist)
Matt Pilates (Studio Pilates)
YTT200 (Holy Yoga)
Mum to Benny, Wife to David

“put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place.”
— Unknown