
Living my best life, in Vietnam
Around this time 12 years ago i was winging my way to Vietnam. I was coming up to my 30th birthday and life was looking nothing like I expected it to. Something about 30 make me so aware that life hadn’t gone to plan, and I totally dreaded it, wanted to avoid it and run away. So I bought tickets to Vietnam, and turns out it was the best thing I could have done.

What is Your Rich Life?
What is your rich life? Everyone has a different rich life and what appeals to me might not appeal to you, and vice versa. Clothes are not my thing. Neither is having a flash car. I don’t have to stay in fancy hotels or eat at the most epic restaurants. But travel, that is my rich life! Time with my family, definitely my rich life.

Take me back to Africa
Eleven years ago I was exploring East Africa. While there hasn’t been much in the way of travel in my life lately it’s nice to look back and remember the adventures.

Southland break away
How good is a holiday?!?! A couple of weeks into the new year we headed down south for a bit over a week. So good to slow down and do so many of the things to fill my cup. I love sharing my photos and occasionally I’ll share a blog like this, with not many words and loads of photos. I hope you enjoy looking as much as I love sharing.