Southland break away
How good is a holiday?!?! A couple of weeks into the new year we headed down south for a bit over a week. So good to slow down and do so many of the things to fill my cup. I love sharing my photos and occasionally I’ll share a blog like this, with not many words and loads of photos. I hope you enjoy looking as much as I love sharing.
Our first stop was a holiday home in the Catlins with some friends. Magical place and I so want to go back! Check out all the ways Benny gets carried while we’re walking. We often joke that he’s a fruit bat. Or maybe that he likes spiderman so much he’s become like him!
Second stop was Invercargill. Firstly to stay with my Mum and her husband who have just moved back from Australia, then Winton just out of Invercargill to stay with my Dad and his wife. We also explored a bit of the area down there, including gemstone beach (so much fun and so many pretty stones), and the Clifden cave and bridge. I’m so impressed at how well Benny went in the cave. Totally not phased by the dark! The drive is always a challenge but definitely worth doing. We stopped in at the clay cliffs near Omarama on the way home. Gorgeous!!
All in all a fantastic trip and I can’t wait to get away again!

Helping mums go from exhausted and overwhelmed to energetic, calm and living life with joy.
Pilates teacher, yoga teacher, personal trainer, nutritionist and postpartum trainer