My word for the year… what is yours?
Have you got a word for the year? Have you even heard of having a word for the year? I came across it many years ago when a friend of mine shared his word for the year, and I immediately loved the concept. I have had a variety of words over the years. One of my most memorable was the year Benny was born. My word for the year was ‘flow’. I figured with a newborn I needed to learn more how to go with the flow rather than trying to control everything. I needed that so much more than I ever imagined!! Benny was born a tiny 750g at a super early 24 weeks gestation, and spent the first 4 months of his life in NICU. When the waves were hitting me I recognised the only two choices I had was to let them drown me, or try to go with the flow and learn to surf. I may not be a very good surfer but i gave it my best!!
Since then my words have been family, growth and last year was abundance. That didnt quite work out how I hoped, in particular trying to grow our family, but there has been growth in other areas of our lives.
Something simple that brings me joy is getting out in nature. We were blessed to spend some time in Southland earlier this year and that definitely fulls my cup!
This year my word of the year is “simplicity”. I am really good at making things complicated. At trying to do a million things at once and getting frustrated when I can’t achieve them all.
For many years I’ve been fascinated with the concept of minimalism. Not the extremes of it but definitely the concept, and how less things means less stress, less to tidy up and clean, and less decisions to make. However it wars with my desire for nice things. Especially when it comes to toys for Benny! I love a clean and tidy house, but the more things you have the harder it is to maintain that. The more clothes you have the more decisions to make about what to wear.
We moved house last year, and knowing the move was coming we had been decluttering for a while, but having to move everything, wow, you get a realistic view of how much stuff you have! It is still an ongoing project, and with another move coming in the not too distant future, the decluttering continues! We also have dreams of doing some long term travel in the slightly more distant future so dont want to end up storing a bunch of things we don’t love.
If you’re interested in taking on a decluttering project, check out my 28 day guide. Its ok if it takes more than 28 days. Like I said, ours has been a few years in the making!!
Wandering towards Nugget Point lighthouse with my wee buddy.
I also want some simplicity in other areas of my life. Learning and mastering single tasking rather than always trying to do loads of things at once. They have done experiments which show that every time we switch tasks we lose efficiency. Multi taking may seem like it is more efficient but things actually take longer overall and we’re more likely to make mistakes. In my business that means batching work. Turning off notifications on my phone when i’m working and not having tabs open which could distract me (I’m definitely not there yet, but that is the goal for the year, if not to master it, to at least get better at it!).
Simplicity in my relationships has actually been a value for a long time. Having real authentic relationships. Sharing me rather than playing mind games. Being vulnerable and open, but also having firm boundaries and being clear on what is and is not ok with me.
My diet is another area I’m trying to simplify. I’ll share more about the journey in another post but I’m working on having less processed food and more real food. It doesn’t have to be complicated, in summer focussing on foods like good quality proteins and salads. In winter probably more stir frys or curries and soups.
I also want to simplify my parenting. Having simple adventures together. Going to the river or the beach or a playground and hanging out. Being present and available when i’m with my son. Not necessarily constantly but enough that his love tank is filled up. I’m pretty sure he’s a quality time and touch person, like me. So even if there are times when it feels like we don’t have a massive quantity of time, at least it will still be quality and our love tanks will be filled.
Grateful for family adventures in gorgeous places! Clay cliffs in Omarama.
I don’t even know if that totally sums up my goals for the year, but hopefully it starts to put some form around it. Less of the things that stress me out and more of the things that bring me joy and light me up. In many areas it goes against my natural inclination so it will definitely be a learning experience!
If you love the concept of a word for the year i’d love you to reach out and let me know yours. Or if you want one but don’t know where to start, lets book in a chat to see if we can get some clarity for you. I love to hear from you!
Ps I’m totally planning on sharing more photos from our trip down south! A beautiful time so slow down and focus on what matters, and explore gorgeous places!