
Why I decided to change up my diet
Which brings me to the last six months. I want to look after my body, I want to feel good in it and have energy, but for some reason it felt too hard. A rough nights sleep would leave me craving sugar and fried foods to give me the energy boost to get through the day. Not being organised enough to do the grocery shopping before we were totally out of food meant I often resorted to the lazy options, fried processed food from the freezer. I never felt great afterwards even if they were tasty at the time. I ended up spiraling down a little before the end of the year, eating all the things that don’t benefit me long term, Including dairy milk chocolate which my skin is still paying the price for nearly two month later!

My word for the year… what is yours?
For many years I’ve been fascinated with the concept of minimalism. Not the extremes of it but definitely the concept, and how less things means less stress, less to tidy up and clean, and less decisions to make. However it wars with my desire for nice things. Especially when it comes to toys for Benny! I love a clean and tidy house, but the more things you have the harder it is to maintain that. The more clothes you have the more decisions to make about what to wear.

how to become sleeping beauty
So many things are interrelated when it comes to your health and wellness goals but one of the things I find is critical is sleep! It’s not just the number of hours you spend in bed but also the quality of your sleep that matters. For me when my sleep goes, my eating goes, my exercise goes (well as much as it can at the moment while i’m teaching!), things that bring me joy slip from my life and ultimately my mental health as well as my physical health goes. Stopping the downward spiral can be challenging but SO so rewarding!