Exploring Woolshed Creek
Something I love to do is travel. I also love photography and want to get better at travel photography. Recently I’ve realised that we live in an amazing, beautiful country (duh!) and I can start working on improving my travel photography even without leaving the country. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time is getting into hiking. To the point where I bought Dave a tramping pack for Christmas maybe 7 years ago. Life has looked a little different since then but it’s feeling like we’re at a point when it’s actually possible again. I’ve been inspired by a number of people on Instagram (Shoshannah, Back to the Wild, Backyard Travel Family, and Spirit and Guts among others) and so when Dave suggested heading away to a hut while he was on holiday from uni, I jumped at the chance!
It was the first overnight hike we had done together, and being the middle of winter I wanted to make sure it was a positive experience and we had enough to stay warm and cozy while exploring. So I did my research. The recommended hikes were Lake Daniells, Rod Donald and Woolshed Creek. We booked the hut less than a week in advance so that I could see the weather reports before booking. We borrowed some gear to make sure we stayed warm but without having to invest a lot in case it didn’t end up going well. And I started packing a number of days in advance to try to ensure we had what we needed, without too much extra which we’d have to carry in. We packed the packs expecting that Dave would probably have to carry Benny for a good portion of it. My pack ended up weighing around 15kg, and Daves was around 10kg on the way in (Benny weighs about 15kg).
It was hard going. It was amazing. I’m totally hooked! Benny did amazing on the uphill sections. On the flatter bits he got bored and needed much more motivation (aka sour worm lollies) or to be carried. Out there though, no cell phone reception, no electricity, so connected to nature, my soul felt so at peace. I don’t know how else to describe it but I want so much more of it!

We decided to stay two nights rather than the standard hike in and hike out on the following day. Last trip away we realised that Benny needed much more time to play and explore, and a slower pace was better, so I allowed for that, and I’m so glad I did!! That day to play and explore was so precious! Seeing Benny the mountain goat scaling the hills was absolutely priceless. And getting a day in between without carrying our packs was great for us too!!
I’m so grateful for the experience but also being able to capture so many special moments with my camera! I’m seriously in love with them. Since this trip I’ve bought a travel tripod as mine was way too big and bulky to be taking with me. I’m glad I’ve got a battery for my remote too. Makes taking family photos much easier!
Any regrets? Not bringing my wide lens! I only took one lens for my camera, the 35mm. I love the photos, but wish I’d had a wider lens, particularly for the star photography. It was incredible! The camera was picking up so much more that the eyes could. I’m wishing I’d been able to capture more of the sky though. I also wish we had more veggies. I tried to keep the food as simple and light as possible, but next time I’d go for the extra weight to have more veggies! I was totally craving them by the time we got home.
Anything we took that we didn’t need? We took a full change of clothes just in case it was pouring with rain and we had to get totally changed. Thankfully the weather was stunning (even if it was cold) and we didn’t need it, but I don’t regret taking it. Definitely a case of better to be safe than sorry.
When is our next hike? We’ve already done a day hike into the Rod Donald hut the following weekend. Benny was asking when we could stay there so I think it’s a winner! No other hikes booked at this stage but we have got some trips booked in the next few months and they’ll most likely involve some exploring or some variety. I’m excited and I can’t wait to share more with you!
When did you last go exploring?