Are you Exhausted and overwhelmed, feeling like there is more out there for you but not sure how to get there? I got you!
Revive - Starting 5th February 2024
6 week group coaching that helps you tame the exhaustion and find solutions for a life that sparkles
Are you sick of feeling :
Exhausted and overwhelmed, feeling like there is more out there for you but you just can’t get there on your own.
Your to-do list is never ending and it feels like every time you tick one thing off three more get added to it.
You’re dragging yourself out of bed in the morning, possibly relying on coffee to get you started for the day. Sugar is a big part of your daily energy then maybe reaching for a wine to wind down for the evening.
You’re feeling tired but wired.
Anxiety is getting the better of you.
Your focus is all over the show. Brain fog is the real deal
Your sleep quality is lacking, possibly even experiencing insomnia, and you wake up exhausted longing to feel refreshed.
Uncomfortable in your body.
Intolerant of exercise.
Like life is just something you have to get through, rather than something you can enjoy.
You find yourself craving salty or sweet foods, especially mid afternoon.
You’re surviving, not thriving.
Something within you is calling out for more. More energy, more calm, more peace and joy. Or maybe less. Less stress, less chaos, less exhaustion.
Maybe you’ve tried all the things but nothing sticks and you’re back where you started.
Maybe you haven’t yet tried the things but you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the information out there, and have no idea where to start.
You want to get your sparkle back!
I’ve got your solution!
This is for you if:
You’ve had enough of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, and want more out of life
You want a cheerleader, support person, mentor and coach along your journey
You want to feel better, and not have to make all the decisions, do all the research and work it out all on your own.
You’ve given and given and given to everyone else and want to start prioritising yourself and your own health and wellbeing.
You’re ready to make a change to value yourself.
You’ve had enough of feeling dull and want to get your shine on.
What you get:
Private facebook group: The magic of a group program is not just in my support, but with the support of others who feel the struggles as deeply as you. We all have our own story, and in sharing our story, we find out we’re not alone and can cheer each other on.
Weekly zoom calls: We will have weekly scheduled zoom calls, talking about the topic of the week. If you can’t make the zoom call it will be recorded and uploaded to the Facebook page for you to watch whenever is convenient for you, and even rewatch as often as you like.
Workbooks: Each week is a new beautifully presented workbook relevant to the topic of the week, as well as additional handouts as appropriate. These are for you to use to allow you to get the most out of our learnings.
1:1 coaching sessions (optional upgrade): Allowing you to take your investment and time to the next level, lets get crystal clear on your goals and the next best steps to reach them.
what is the investment?
Early bird pricing is $627 valid until 22nd Jan, after that $795. VIP options available
Are you ready for your journey to begin?
Contact me to find out more or click the button to sign up now.
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